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Heartbreak Measured the Age and Examined the Risk of Heart Disease.

Heartbreak Measured the Age and Examined the Risk of Heart Disease.

Heartbreak Measured the Age and Examined the Risk of Heart Disease.
Heartbreak Measured the Age and Examined the Risk of Heart Disease.

Public Health England, giving the opportunity for an online examination to determine the age of heartburn, of those who are over 30 years old. It is known that the age of Hridaytan is known by the online information. The results of that test can provide an idea about the risk of heart attack or stroke.

According to the BBC Online report, researchers say that if the heart's health is good, 80 percent of people under the age of 75 can prevent heart attack or stroke risk. Researchers predict that in the unhealthy living, four out of every five adults are at risk of premature death. For this, we should abstain from smoking, eat healthy food, and exercise a lot.

Of course, the test is not a way to diagnose any disease. It is possible to check whether there is a risk of a heart attack. It will be understood to bring about a healthy change.

The 59-year-old tested at David Green. He told the BBC, "The bad thing is that my heart rate is more than 10 years old and the expected life expectancy is low. It's hard to accept for me but it's taken as a positive one. There is something to do to change the matter. '

David said he had never heard of the age of heartbreak. He thought that if the heart rate is too high, it would be two to three years old. But he examined it, it has been more than a decade.

David further said, 'They tell me, I should do something so that I can enjoy my pension for more days. That is the real thing to me now. I just retired. I want to live for a few more days. '

Fat deposits, unhealthy foods, lack of adequate exercise and high blood pressure create the risk for heart disease, which is possible to change.

How can you change it? The UK's National Health Service (NHS) recommends that you have to quit smoking for this. Be physically active. Weight should be kept under control. To eat more fiber foods or fiber. To get rid of saturated fats. Must eat enough vegetables and fruits. Eating salt will bring control. Fish will eat. Must stay away from alcohol. Be careful to take packed foods.

More than two million people took part in the NHS exam in England. It has been found that 78 percent of the heart rate of heart rate is higher than their actual age. It increases the risk of premature death. Of these, 34 percent of the heart rate of the heart is five years more than their actual age and 14 percent is 10 years old.

In the United Kingdom, 84,000 people died in heart attack or stroke every year.

NHS researcher Matt Kearney said that the test is likely to help millions of people. The British Heart Foundation and Stroke Association are collaborating in this examination.

It is also suggested to change the lifestyle of the test. It is said that 16 simple physical and life-saving questions are made, and the age of Hridaytan is assumed. If there is a risk of heart attack at any age, it is predicted. It says that after one year of smoking, the risk of a person's heart rate is reduced by half of the smokers. More than 150 minutes of moderate exercise tips are also offered in the week. Apart from this, suggestions for eating vegetables regularly are also given.

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